We are pleased to announce that the 2018 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellows have been selected! All are from Lingnan University Hong Kong. There are 7 women and 5 men. 3 are second year undergraduates, 5 are in their third year and 4 are fourth year undergraduates. Below is the list of our 2018 Fellows! And…
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2017 Fellows Start Visit to Indiana
Thanks to the wonderful efforts of Trustee Albert Chen to organize a 1-week learning tour, the 2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellows arrived in Indianapolis on October 13th to experience life in middle America. While in Indiana, they will: visit Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, learn about the School of Philanthropy, United Way and local charitable…
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2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellows Sing for Lingnan Alumni
In September, the San Francisco and Los Angeles chapters of the Lingnan Alumni Associations were treated to singing performances by the 2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellows. In the case of the LA Chapter, Trustee Sikee Louie invited the UCLA Fellows to enjoy the Chapter's Mid-Autumn Festival after hosting them to lunch. The Fellows helped decorate…
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2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Reunion Dinner
After attending their first full day at O’Camp, the 2017 Fellows were presented at the Reunion dinner held on June 3rd at the Sun Yat-Sen University Kaifeng Hotel.
2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellowship O’Camp
The logistics, opening ice breaker and skits for the 2017 Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellowship Orientation Camp (“O’Camp”) were organized by the 2016 Fellows under the leadership of 2016 Fellow Minghuan Xu, with supervision from UCLA Program Manger Amy Pojar and UC Berkeley Program Manager Muttika Chaturbul.