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Wenqing LI
Nickname: Yuky
Year: 2019
US Campus Assignment: UC Berkeley
University: Sun Yat-Sen University
Description: Wenqing Li is a 2nd year graduate majoring International Business at Sun Yat-Sen University. She has always been keen for social service and wants to apply the knowledge she learnt to help others. She has participated in YESXBOP program, which encourages the youth to discover undeveloped market and proposed business initiatives to improve the lives of Chinese with lower socioeconomic status. During the program, she interviewed the migrant workers and proposed the idea with her teammates that they can design skills learning and communication platform to serve those workers in the basis of their needs. Moreover, she went to rural areas to teach students there basic knowledge about English and went to a school for migrant children and taught those children safety knowledge when she was an undergraduate. In the US, she wants to have a better understanding of NGO’s operation including fundraising, developing, marketing and so on, so that she can develop the skills about how to make those good ideas about social service come true. She also hopes to know more about how to solve problems about working rights, economic justice and find solutions that can be taken in China to improve the lives of Chinese with lower socioeconomic status.