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Kelphen Clinton Ng CHAN
Year: 2019
US Campus Assignment: UC Berkeley
University: Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Description: Kelphen Clinton Ng Chan is a fourth-year undergraduate student studying history at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. He has participated in various volunteer and community service opportunities in Lingnan and found them meaningful and rewarding. His favorite activity was being the Leadership Training Officer of Lingnan Wofoo Leaders Network where he took part in organizing voluntary services for the youth. Moreover, he is keen to help the underprivileged minority students in Hong Kong because of his experience as a Filipino immigrant to Hong Kong. Therefore, the rights of youth, ethnic minorities and immigrants are people who he would like to help the most. By joining this fellowship, he would like to work for the development of the youth as well as improving the well-being of the minorities during his time in the United States.