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Yueyi Lu
Year: 2013
US Campus Assignment: UC Berkeley
University: Sun Yat-sen University
Description: Yueyi Lu is a fourth year undergraduate studying Applied Psychology at Sun-Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, China.
Since 2010, Yueyi has joined a research team that seeks to take the scientific discoveries made in the field of psychology and give them practical uses. With this background, she created activities for middle school students to help them identify their personal values.
In addition to coordinating activities, Yueyi has conducted interviews aimed at investigating the medical needs of the elderly living in Macau, China. Through these interviews, she not only gathered important information but also established friendships with the people with whom she spoke. She has also investigated school conditions and wrote a proposal detailing steps the schools can talk to improve their conditions.
Yueyi is interning at Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS).