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Baiyuan Yin
Nickname: Desmond
Year: 2013
US Campus Assignment: UC Berkeley
University: Sun Yat-sen University
Description: Baiyuan "Desmond" Yin is a first year Master's student studying Environmental and Resource Protection Law at Sun-Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, China.
As an assistant at the Guangzhou Nansha District Court, Baiyun observed several court proceedings as well as learned the legal procedures employed by the court. He is currently a journalist at the University's School of Law's newspaper where he reports on guest lectures and campus affairs.
He values his time at the Legal Aid Association because it gave him the opportunity to learn about Education for Service and put it into practice. Baiyun decided to pursue a law degree because he wants to learn how to address social injustices using legal services. Baiyuan is interning at Asian Pacific Environmental Network.